Solar Energy Projects

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solar energy | For a life full of energy

Solar energy .. a term that refers to the light and heat emitted from the sun, which man has invested and benefited from over time since ancient times, using a set of means that helped him harness solar energy for his life’s many uses, and with the passage of time these means were developing and improving until Today it is represented by great technologies..

The solar energy project .. details are shown

There are many uses of solar energy that people invest to make their lives easier, and in many details of our lives we can feel and notice the benefits of solar energy, as it is used as thermal energy for direct heating, or within certain conversion processes, as well as solar energy is used to generate electrical energy, using panels equipped with designed To invest solar energy in this direction, and many other uses.. These are modern technologies and in the process of permanent development, because they can contribute significantly to solving many of the world’s most important and most urgent problems at the present time..

All of the above was a prelude for us to realize the extreme importance that the solar energy project possesses, because of its contribution to facilitating the lives of the beneficiary families, and supporting them to be able to face the difficulties that they encounter at all times more than before..

The solar energy project in Wejdan Association.

Through the follow-up conducted by the Wejdan Association of the conditions of families benefiting from its projects, within the places in which it operates, it has detected the urgent and necessary need for the solar energy project..Because Wejdan works in places that exist within the country that have been suffering from conflicts for years, these conflicts that have been exhausted With the passage of days, every energy exists among the people present in its regions, starting with the economic energy, and this is evident in the poverty rates, which have reached a painful level. In Palestine, it reached 29.2%, and in Syria the rate reached 84.3%, while in Yemen the poverty rate reached 75%.

This economic energy, which seems robbed of those affected in places of conflict, must bring with it a lack of other energies, the most important of which is the psychological energy of people to endure crises and difficulties, and the difficult human conditions they are going through.

Therefore, the solar energy project was in the Wejdan Association, where attention was paid to it because it extends a helping hand to our people in the most needy places, and because it relieves them of some of the difficulties of their lives.

The solar energy project.. How is it implemented?

The goal of the solar energy project in Wejdan Association is to provide a network to generate clean electric energy using solar energy according to the approved specifications, so that the consulting staff follows up the installation and operation process to ensure that the network conforms to the required standards.

This is done through several stages that follow each other, starting with the approval of a consulting team specialized in the issue of solar energy, then making visits to the partner agencies and coordinating with them, followed by the selection of the eligible families benefiting from the project in cooperation with the competent authorities, after which a tender is issued to install the solar energy system, In addition to the implementation of the installation works, testing and receiving the network, as well as the operation of the power network, all of this is accompanied by media documentation of all project stages, until the implementation stages end with the preparation of project reports and its closure.

Two people do not disagree on the priority of the solar energy project, especially in the places in which Wejdan operates, but the most important point is that your contribution to it means helping to provide our people who are there with part of the psychological energy and raising their moral strength that helps them to withstand and continue, as it includes charging and supplying for their homes or even Tent them with the necessary solar energy …